- 官網:St. Patrick - St. Vincent High School
- 所在地點:美國加州
- 建校年份:1870年
- 學校型態:男女合校
- 師生比率: 1:15
- 學校人數:全校:479人
- 寄宿年級:9-12
- 國際學生比率:3% -
- 官網:St. Patrick - St. Vincent High School
- 所在地點:美國加州
- 建校年份:1870年
- 學校型態:男女合校
- 師生比率: 1:15
- 學校人數:全校:479人
- 寄宿年級:9-12
- 國際學生比率:3% -
- 官網:St. Patrick - St. Vincent High School
- 所在地點:美國加州
- 建校年份:1870年
- 學校型態:男女合校
- 師生比率: 1:15
- 學校人數:全校:479人
- 寄宿年級:9-12
- 國際學生比率:3% -
- 官網:St. Patrick - St. Vincent High School
- 所在地點:美國加州
- 建校年份:1870年
- 學校型態:男女合校
- 師生比率: 1:15
- 學校人數:全校:479人
- 寄宿年級:9-12
- 國際學生比率:3% -
- 官網:St. Patrick - St. Vincent High School
- 所在地點:美國加州
- 建校年份:1870年
- 學校型態:男女合校
- 師生比率: 1:15
- 學校人數:全校:479人
- 寄宿年級:9-12
- 國際學生比率:3% -
- 官網:St. Patrick - St. Vincent High School
- 所在地點:美國加州
- 建校年份:1870年
- 學校型態:男女合校
- 師生比率: 1:15
- 學校人數:全校:479人
- 寄宿年級:9-12
- 國際學生比率:3% -
- 官網:St. Patrick - St. Vincent High School
- 所在地點:美國加州
- 建校年份:1870年
- 學校型態:男女合校
- 師生比率: 1:15
- 學校人數:全校:479人
- 寄宿年級:9-12
- 國際學生比率:3% -
- 官網:St. Patrick - St. Vincent High School
- 所在地點:美國加州
- 建校年份:1870年
- 學校型態:男女合校
- 師生比率: 1:15
- 學校人數:全校:479人
- 寄宿年級:9-12
- 國際學生比率:3% -
- 官網:St. Patrick - St. Vincent High School
- 所在地點:美國加州
- 建校年份:1870年
- 學校型態:男女合校
- 師生比率: 1:15
- 學校人數:全校:479人
- 寄宿年級:9-12
- 國際學生比率:3%

聖帕克文森高中為學術提供一系列學術課程,學校側重於實踐項目和實踐活動,學生可以獲得大學教授、工程師等專業人士的指導機會。學校還開設了 100 多門 AP、榮譽、加速和大學預備課程,擁有數十種課外活動和屢獲殊榮的體育校隊。

聖帕克文森高中為學生提供了一流的技術設施和課程,包括與加州大學戴維斯分校合作展開的機器人計算課程。學校還提供數十門 STEM 課程,校園內設有新建的科學實驗室、創意實踐區和機器人實驗室。
有志於從事醫療相關工作的學生可以參加 AED 培訓,獲得 CPR 證書。透過該計劃,學生可以積累 50 小時的實踐工作經驗,用於大學申請。透過實習活動,學生可以瞭解基本的人體解剖學知識,並深入瞭解運動醫學領域的各類職業。
- 學生宿舍整修一新,位於聖帕克文森高中校園內
學生宿舍為單性別雙人房,由宿舍管理輔導老師提供 24/7 全天候監管
為了保障安全,宿舍管理輔導老師使用 Life360 應用程式即時追蹤學生位置,並利用先進的保全技術監督宿舍安全
英語學習 (ELL) 輔導教師在學校和宿舍為學生提供學習指導

Dear Guest,
Thank you for visiting our wonderful high school! My favorite part of school is choir, here we have an award winning choir(s). Our Spanish department is so fun! I hope you’ve enjoyed your visit! Yours truly,
_______ C/O 2021

Dear Guests,
Thank you so much for visiting our school. We have an amazing community that we would like for your to be a part of. We would love to see you again.
________ Class of 2021

Thank you for visiting SPSV! I hope you enjoy your time here. There are many things that I love about SPSV, but the one thing I love the most is that our community is loving and kind to one another. Also, there are many clubs and sports you are free to be in! I hope you enjoy being part of the bruin family!
Sincerely, ___________ Sophomore President Class of 2022

Thank you so much for visiting SPSV! I hope that you’ve enjoyed your time here. And I hope that you felt the strong sense of community and support that I feel everyday. This is also one of my favorite things about this school. Sincerely, _______Sophomore Council Member Class of ‘22

Thank you for visiting SPSV. One thing about the school that I like is the sport program, we have won many championships. I hope your students enjoy becoming a bruin. Sincerely, ______ Sophomore Council

Thank you for coming to SPSV. I hope you enjoyed your time here. At SPSV we like to think of the student body as a loving community, which is one of my favorite aspects about the school. Personally, I truly enjoy the instrumental program, it is an ever-growing program that I have been inspired by.
Sincerely, _________ Soph. Council, 2022

Dear Guest,
Thank you for taking time out of your day to come and visit our great school. We will love to have you here making new and amazing relations with the great students that we have here. We have a vast amount of opportunities, I’m sure you’ll find something that suits you. From _________Class of 2021

Dear guests,
I’m glad you came to check out our amazing school! SPSV is awesome because it is so inclusive. Thank you so much for coming to look at our school! _____________Class of 2021

Dear Guest,
Thank you for visiting our campus! I hope that our community showed itself to be kind, generous, and welcoming towards you. I personally love the inclusiveness of our school. So, I hope you got to experience that during your visit here! Sincerely, ________ Class of 2021

I hope you loved our school! Thank you so much for coming ! _______ C/O 21
- 每逢週末,學生可以前往唐人街、漁人碼頭和金門公園、當地電影院、餐廳和購物商場
學校定期組織學生參觀當地的頂尖高等學府,包括史丹佛大學(排名第 7)、加州大學柏克萊分校和舊金山大學(排名第 96)
歷屆學生考上: 加州大學柏克萊分校 / 加州大學戴維斯分校 / 加州大學洛杉磯分校哥倫比亞大學 / 康乃爾大學 / 達特茅斯學院 / 哈佛大學 / 華盛頓大學耶魯大學等知名院校
- 100畢業生進入大學深造